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A DEDICATION…for a special “Antie”
By Jim Pete

After the holiday season last year, Antie Clara said, “Well, I made it through another holiday season.”  And I wondered how many more times would she be able to say that.  On October 8, 2004, a very special and dear person passed on to the Spirit World.

For as long as I can remember, I have always been very close to Antie Clara.  When her and Uncle Cubby would come to Red Cliff and visit from Milwaukee, I would also ask, “When are you leaving?”  I guess I wanted to know how much time I would have to spend with them.  I would always tag along with her, Uncle, and my mother (Elma) as they would go to Odanah or LCO to visit relatives and friends.

Auntie Clara's 90th Birthday

Throughout the many times of visiting, going on trips, partying, etc., I always felt that I learned so much from Antie.  The stories her and my Ma would share about the old days in Red Cliff and Odanah, were a link to the past and how they survived in a time that was very difficult.  They would talk about fireballs, the people who would use Indian medicine, and how their mother would make them wear rosaries to protect them.

This past June, as family were thinking of having a birthday party for Antie Clara’s 92nd birthday, I wrote to the Tribal Council and asked for some type of recognition for the oldest person in our community.  They designated June 11th as Clara Cameron day.  It was special because it is not often we have people reach a very old age.

I will cherish the times that I had with her…her laugh, her simple way of looking at things, her ability to survive even when the times were tough.  One time we were playing cards and partying at my Ma’s house and asked her how my Antie Cordella was doing.  (And at the time Antie Cordella, Uncle Happy, and their family would go over to the Best Western in Ashland for the weekend, and lounge around by the pool.) Antie Clara said, “Oh she is laying over there in the Ca-susie!”  None of us wanted to laugh, but all of a sudden her daughter Susie said, “Ma, it’s not Ca-susie, but Jacuzzi!”  Then we all busted out laughing!

In spite of the difficulties she had of losing two babies at birth, working very hard to make ends meet during the depression, having a husband that was ill from the war, she could always laugh…a big hearty laugh.  After they moved to Red Cliff, Uncle Cubby encourage her to go an enjoy herself.  It was okay that she would or could go and party, have fun, dance…and we all knew how light she was on her feet!

I think the highlight of her life, was the celebration of her and Uncle Cubby’s 50th Wedding Anniversary.  It wasn’t long after that, Uncle Cubby left us.  But, they were both so proud during that day.  Many of us had the chance to help them celebrate their special day.

It is impressive that in her later years, with her hearing limited, how alert she was and knew world events by reading the paper, watching wrestling, and cooking shows on the television.  After she moved into her new house, I remember being upset that she could see every time I would come home, bringing in groceries, seeing who was visiting, etc., but also watching over my place to make sure no one broke into it.  Then I thought, “Be patient!  There will come a time, when you will miss having Antie watching out the window!”  I guess that time has come.

Even though I am (like many others) still grieving the loss of a special person.  I am also comforted that she was able to be with us until she reached 92 years, was able to enjoy her new home for a few years, to prepare and have all matters in order for when she was ready to begin her final journey.

Chi mii-gwitch Antie Clara!  Gee ga, wa-ba-min, na-gutch! Ni sa-gii-in!

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